
Stake an amount of TRX to obtain bandwidth OR Energy and TRON Power (voting rights) . Optionally, user can stake TRX to grant Energy or Bandwidth to others. Balance amount in the denomination of sun.

Body params:

  • owner_address - Owner address, default hexString

  • frozen_balance - TRX stake amount, the unit is sun

  • frozen_duration - TRX stake duration, only be specified as 3 days

  • resource - TRX stake type, 'BANDWIDTH' or 'ENERGY'

  • receiver_address - Optional,the address that will receive the resource, default hexString

  • permission_id - Optional, for multi-signature use

  • visible - Optional. Defaults to false. Whether addresses are in base58check format.


curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "owner_address": "4100776428620856AE1D71562812B734E356B68551",
     "frozen_balance": 10000000,
     "frozen_duration": 3,
     "resource": "ENERGY"


  "visible": false,
  "txID": "efb6ff6dba6e5998d7258a63436e4717428892f02df2adb6deea8550d36e5e34",
  "raw_data": {
    "contract": [
        "parameter": {
          "value": {
            "resource": "ENERGY",
            "frozen_duration": 3,
            "frozen_balance": 10000000,
            "owner_address": "4100776428620856ae1d71562812b734e356b68551"
          "type_url": ""
        "type": "FreezeBalanceContract"
    "ref_block_bytes": "3041",
    "ref_block_hash": "3d1b89e6c7c34b52",
    "expiration": 1649176881000,
    "timestamp": 1649176821557
  "raw_data_hex": "0a02304122083d1b89e6c7c34b5240e8cee8d4ff2f5a5a080b12560a32747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e467265657a6542616c616e6365436f6e747261637412200a154100776428620856ae1d71562812b734e356b685511080ade2041803500170b5fee4d4ff2f"

Last updated