
Decode a hex-encoded script.

Argument #1 - hexstring

Type: string, required

the hex-encoded script


{                             (json object)
  "asm" : "str",              (string) Script public key
  "type" : "str",             (string) The output type (e.g. nonstandard, pubkey, pubkeyhash, scripthash, multisig, nulldata, witness_v0_scripthash, witness_v0_keyhash, witness_v1_taproot, witness_unknown)
  "reqSigs" : n,              (numeric) The required signatures
  "addresses" : [             (json array)
    "str",                    (string) bitcoin address
  "p2sh" : "str",             (string) address of P2SH script wrapping this redeem script (not returned if the script is already a P2SH)
  "segwit" : {                (json object) Result of a witness script public key wrapping this redeem script (not returned if the script is a P2SH or witness)
    "asm" : "str",            (string) String representation of the script public key
    "hex" : "hex",            (string) Hex string of the script public key
    "type" : "str",           (string) The type of the script public key (e.g. witness_v0_keyhash or witness_v0_scripthash)
    "reqSigs" : n,            (numeric) The required signatures (always 1)
    "addresses" : [           (json array) (always length 1)
      "str",                  (string) segwit address
    "p2sh-segwit" : "str"     (string) address of the P2SH script wrapping this witness redeem script


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: your_api_key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "decodescript",
    "params": [

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